Privacy Policy


This site is operated by OHANA BLOOM Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Company”).

  • Privacy Policy

    We promote the protection of personal information by establishing the following privacy policy, building a system for protecting personal information, and ensuring that all employees recognize the importance of protecting personal information and take appropriate measures to do so.

  • Managing Personal Information

    To maintain the personal information of our users in its accurate and newest state, and to prevent illegal access, loss, damage, and leakage of personal information, we take necessary measures, such as being thorough in improvements and training regarding our security system maintenance and management infrastructures, implement safety measures, and conduct strict management of personal information.

  • Purpose of using personal information

    This site might ask you to register personal information for user registration and inquiry etc., including your name, email address, telephone number etc., but we will not use any submitted personal information for other purposes. Company will use personal information given from users when sending email and documents as a contact from our company, for announcements about our services and to answer questions.

  • Prohibition of provision disclosure of personal information to the third party

    Our company will manage personal information that is given from users properly and we will not disclose personal information to third parties except either of the following cases.
    ・In case of user’s agreement
    ・In case of disclosure to contractors of our Company to operate services that users wish to do
    ・In case when disclosure is required according to the law

  • Safety measures of personal information

    Company is measuring all possible measures to security for accuracy and guarantee safety for personal information.

  • Inquiry of the person

    If the customer wishes to inquire, correct, or delete his/her personal information, we will respond after confirming that he/she is the person himself/herself.

  • Compliance and review of laws and norms

    We will comply with Japanese laws and regulations applicable to personal information we hold and other norms, review the contents of this policy as appropriate, and strive to improve upon it.

  • Contact us

    For inquiries regarding our handling of personal information, please contact the following.Contact Us