International Exchange Tennis



This circle is created by OHANA BLOOM's tennis-loving Japanese teachers for playing tennis with their students.
Currently, we mainly play about twice a month on Sundays at the Sports Complex in Ikebukuro.

We plan to increase the frequency as the number of members increases!

Some of our members have coaching experience, so even those with no experience can join us.

We are looking forward to participating in matches and having fun together doing other things not only playing tennis.
Please feel free to contact us if you are interested in joining.

Once or twice a month, Sunday evening
Toshima Ward Sports Complex
Each time court fee divided by the number of people + ball fee (about 100-200 yen)
Conditions of Participation:
You must have your own tennis racket.
※ In case of Japanese, Only those who have participated in one of our international events or have been introduced by one of our members can join this circle. If you wish to participate, please attend the event once it is being held.
· If you are experienced, please be considerate of beginners.

· As a guide, we consider a maximum of 8 people per one court. Therefore, you may not be able to participate on days when there are not enough courts.

· We may give priority to those who cooperate in registering as Toshima Ward members (Toshima Ward residents, workers, and students) in order to secure a court.
How to join:
Please apply by filling out the necessary information from the “Circle Participation Application” below.
You can also contact us through social networking services by filling out the necessary information.

Once you contact us, we will share with you our most recent activity schedule, etc.

※ If you have any questions or concerns, please attend our another event and consult with the organizer directly.

※ If you were introduced by our existing members, please enter the name of the person who introduced you in the “ect.” field.
Also, if you are Japanese, please enter the event you have attended in the past in the “ect.” field.

※ If you participated once and had no problems, we will invite you to our group, so please let us know your plans for participation.

Group participation application

We invite inquiries and consultations regarding group participation.


You can contact us via WeChat by adding an ID or scanning the OR code.

  • Add with ID


  • Add with ID QR Cord

  • QRコード


Available hours: 13:00-21:00 (also available on weekends and public holidays)