Job Search

We offer support for gaining employment or switching jobs
for foreigners looking for a job or part-time job in Japan.

We provide job search support in two ways: a general recruitment service and a job-seeking support service. What distinguishes us from other companies is that consultations are carried out directly by our Japanese language teachers, who have a strong understanding of the employment and career transitions of foreigners. This enables them to competently review resumes and work histories and provide interview support . We also offer post-employment support, so feel free to consult with us.

Recruitment service

A recruitment service is a company that helps find the human resources that companies and organizations are looking for. As a referral fee is received from companies, people looking for work can use services free of charge.

Recruitment service mechanism
Image of Recruitment service mechanism

Recruitment companies(OHANA BLOOM)

Interview/hiring (employment contract)

Image of Recruitment service mechanism
Job seeker Registration and career consultation Job introductions 人材紹介 Referral fee
based on employment request

Recruitment companies

Job seeker Registration and career consultation Job introductions 人材紹介 Referral fee
based on employment request

Interview/hiring (employment contract)

Recruitment service

This can be used freelyby anyone.

The way a recruitment service works is that once employment is decided, they receive a referral fee from the hiring company. This means that job seekers can use this service free of charge. However, the recruitment company is restricted in the companies it can introduce, and this may restrict options for the job seeker. Additionally, hiring may be less likely as the company needs to bear the burden of the referral fee.

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Advantages of this service


The companies that we introduce already trust candidates OHANA BLOOM, so they will feel more relaxed about hiring you. Further, professional Japanese language teachers will proofread your documents, including resume and work history, so you can make a better impression with the company.

  • It is easier to gain the trust of companies.

  • You can receive various types of support from Japanese language teachers

  • We provide full support through the entire process from application to hiring, acting as an intermediary between you and the company.

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Comparison with recruitment companies

OHANA BLOOM Other companies
料金 Free of charge Free of charge(Some types of support may be fee-based)
Referral company Even beyond our partner companies, we will negotiate with any companies that meet your preferences on your behalf. Partner companies only
Correcting resumes and work histories Analyze companies and propose ways of describing your motivation and self-promotion tailored for particular companies Japanese correction only
Interview practice Japanese language teachers give detailed Japanese advice Only basic practice
Follow-up Confirm job status

Japanese language support (when requested)
Only confirm job status
Other Free training on Japanese that will be used in the industry (before joining)

Job seeker registration form

For a consultation to help you job hunting, fill out the required information in the reservation form below and enter your desired date and time for the consultation.

仕事探しについてのご質問・ ご相談を承ります。


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    ※ There are times when emails from our company end up in your Spam folder and we cannot contact you, so please also leave your telephone number if possible.